Home > Actualités > MDFDE/USA: Kids Corner: Statue de la Liberté : À vos crayons, pinceaux et ciseaux ! #COP21 #MDFDEJeSuisLadyLiberty130 #NPS100
Lady Liberty Portrait by Kathy Barbro, Art Teacher http://artprojectsforkids.org/portfolio/lady-liberty-portrait/


Comment dessiner, fabriquer une couronne ou une Statue de la Liberté en papier, en argile ou encore en pâte à modeler en apprenant le français et l’anglais dès l’enfance ?


C’est officiellement l’été, le temps des vacances, le temps de commencer à célébrer le 130ème Anniversaire de la Statue de la Liberté ! Des idées « Arts and Crafts » à explorer ?

Bon Atelier à tous nos jeunes artistes, Auguste BARTHOLDI et Gustave EIFFEL en herbe ainsi qu’aux plus grands ! Et encore merci à Julie et Sylvie de l’Atelier d’Ichère de Seattle, U.S.A., Directrice Exécutive artistique MDFDE/Seattle, pour avoir spécialement créé cette vidéo à partager avec tous les enfants, professeurs, parents et grands-parents, admirateurs de la Statue de la Liberté à travers le monde!




Fabrication de la Couronne de la Statue de la Liberté


Fabrique la Couronne de la Statue de la Liberté en 4 minutes et en apprenant du vocabulaire en français avec Julie et Sylvie de l’Atelier d’Ichère de Seattle, U.S.A.


GoPro: Statue of Liberty Crown





Mise en ligne le 3 mai 2010 (This is a children book) This video was narrated by Tamayra Brown and produce by Candido Aviles of the story of the Statue of Liberty book written by Betsy & Giulio Maestro. This is a children book given a short history of The Statue of Liberty for more history of the The Statue of Liberty go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statue_o… or visit your local Library or find you can find others sources online for a complete true story of The Statue Of Liberty.


How to make Play-doh Statue of Liberty



La statue de la Liberté -vidéo-.wmv


Ajoutée le 28 août 2010 Réalisation d’une petite statue de la liberté en papier kraft gommé. Création : Vincent Pedros


Statue of Liberty Craft


Ajoutée le 30 juin 2013 Watch my kids have a hilarious time building this model of the Statue of Liberty. A great Fourth of July craft! By Susan Evans


Lady Liberty Portrait


Lady Liberty Portrait diagram

I’ve used this approach for drawing and painting the Statue of Liberty for years, and even kinders amaze me with how well they do. Just make sure to start with the guide lines shown on the tutorial, as they help keep the head in scale to the page. I also pre-mix the liquid turquoise color as it’s rather tricky for young ones to mix themselves.

• View and download Lady Liberty’s Portrait PDF Tutorial

Link: http://artprojectsforkids.org/portfolio/lady-liberty-portrait/


The Light of Liberty

Photo: The Statue of Liberty


The Statue of Liberty is 151 feet, 1 inch (46 meters, 2.5 centimeters) tall.

Photograph by Dean Conger

Peter Winkler

On July 4, 1884 France presented the United States with an incredible birthday gift: the Statue of Liberty! Without its pedestal it’s as tall as a 15-story building. She represents the United States. But the world-famous Statue of Liberty standing in New York Harbor was built in France. The statue was presented to the U.S., taken apart, shipped across the Atlantic Ocean in crates, and rebuilt in the U.S. It was France’s gift to the American people.

It all started at dinner one night near Paris in 1865. A group of Frenchmen were discussing their dictator-like emperor and the democratic government of the U.S. They decided to build a monument to American freedom—and perhaps even strengthen French demands for democracy in their own country. At that dinner was the sculptor Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi (bar-TOLE-dee). He imagined a statue of a woman holding a torch burning with the light of freedom.

Turning Bartholdi’s idea into reality took 21 years. French supporters raised money to build the statue, and Americans paid for the pedestal it would stand on. Finally, in 1886, the statue was dedicated.

Fast Facts

  • Engineer Gustave Eiffel, who would later design the Eiffel Tower in Paris, designed Liberty’s “spine.” Inside the statue four huge iron columns support a metal framework that holds the thin copper skin.
  • Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi knew he wanted to build a giant copper goddess; he used his mother as the model.
  • The statue—151 feet, 1 inch (46 meters, 2.5 centimeters) tall—was the tallest structure in the U.S. at that time.
  • The arm holding the torch measures 46 feet (14 meters); the index finger, 8 feet (2.4 meters); the nose, nearly 5 feet (1.5 meters).
  • The statue is covered in 300 sheets of coin-thin copper. They were hammered into different shapes and riveted together.
  • The statue sways 3 inches (7.62 centimeters) in the wind; the torch sways 5 inches (12.7 centimeters).
  • Visitors climb 354 steps (22 stories) to look out from 25 windows in the crown.
  • Seven rays in the crown represent the Earth’s seven seas.

Text by Peter Winkler

Link: http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/stories/history/statue-of-liberty/